Historical Bitcoin (BTC) Funding Chart

Discover historical funding rates for Bitcoin through our in-depth chart, which provides insights into past market conditions and investment trends in Bitcoin futures.


What are Crypto Funding Rates for Perpetual Contracts?

Futures funding rates in cryptocurrency trading are mechanisms used by exchanges to align the prices of perpetual contracts with the underlying asset's spot price. These rates are particularly vital for perpetual contracts, which, unlike traditional futures, don't have an expiration date and, therefore, must closely track the spot price to avoid market distortions. The funding rate is a fee exchanged between long and short traders, adjusting based on market conditions to incentivize price alignment.

When the perpetual contract price is above the spot price (a state known as contango), the funding rate is positive, indicating a bullish market. In this scenario, long position holders pay fees to those holding short positions. Conversely, in a bearish market, where the contract price falls below the spot price (backwardation), the funding rate becomes negative, and short-position traders pay fees to long-position traders.

This system of funding rates is crucial in the crypto futures exchange market for maintaining balance and fairness. It affects traders' profitability and liquidation risks, making understanding and monitoring these rates essential for effective trading strategies. These rates are settled at regular intervals, and their impact varies based on market trends and conditions.

What are Crypto Futures Funding Rates

How are Crypto Futures Funding Rates Calculated?

Crypto funding rates are calculated using two components: the market's interest rate and the difference between perpetual contract prices and the spot price of the cryptocurrency.

  1. Interest Rate: This part reflects general borrowing costs in the financial market. It's a fixed value, usually set by the crypto exchange, and mirrors the cost of using money in the broader economy.
  2. Premium Index: This shows whether the perpetual contract is priced higher or lower than the actual market price of the cryptocurrency. If the contract's price is higher, it indicates a bullish (positive) market trend; if it's lower, it points to a bearish (negative) trend. This component adjusts the funding rate to ensure the contract price aligns with the real market value.

The funding rate is the average of these two factors, calculated regularly (often every few minutes) and applied periodically (usually every 8 hours). This system keeps the price of perpetual crypto contracts in line with the actual market, promoting balance and fairness.

What Exchange has the Best Funding Rates?

Bybit is notable for its stable and consistent funding rates, a key advantage for traders in the volatile cryptocurrency market. This stability, as highlighted by data from TheBlock, shows Bybit having less funding rate volatility over a year compared to other major exchanges like Binance and KuCoin. Such consistency is crucial for traders who value predictable market conditions.

The way Bybit calculates its funding rates contributes significantly to this stability. The rate comprises the Premium Index (P) and the Interest Rate (I). The Premium Index adjusts according to the real-time market, calculated from the difference between the fair buy price and the index price. Bybit updates this rate every minute, using a Time-Weighted Average Price method. This frequent update reflects immediate market trends, making the funding rate more accurate and responsive.

Furthermore, Bybit uses a clamp function in its formula, maintaining the funding rate within a ±0.05% range. This control limits extreme fluctuations, offering traders a more predictable trading environment. Additionally, Bybit adjusts these limits during high market volatility, keeping perpetual contract prices within a reasonable range.

Exchange with Best Funding Rates

How can I Avoid Funding Rates?

To avoid funding fees in cryptocurrency trading, consider these strategies:

  • Close Positions Before Funding Times: Funding fees are charged at specific intervals (often every 8 hours). By closing your positions just before these times, you can avoid paying the fee.
  • Monitor Market Sentiment: Align your trades with the market sentiment. If the market is bullish (positive funding rate), hold short positions; if bearish (negative funding rate), hold long positions. This way, you might receive funding instead of paying.
  • Short-Term Trading: Engage in day trading or short-term trading strategies. Since funding fees impact long-term positions more, short-term trades can help you avoid these fees.

Remember, while avoiding funding fees can save costs, it should be balanced with your overall trading strategy and risk management.

Bullish vs Bearish Funding Rates

In cryptocurrency trading, the nuances of funding rates are significant indicators of market dynamics:

  • Positive (Bullish) Funding Rates: A positive funding rate indicates that the price of the perpetual contract is higher than the spot price of the underlying asset, typically reflecting bullish sentiment. However, it's important to note that a high positive funding rate can also suggest market overconfidence. This overconfidence might lead to an impending market correction or pullback, as traders with long positions might be excessively optimistic, potentially destabilizing the market balance.
  • Negative (Bearish) Funding Rates: Conversely, a negative funding rate means the perpetual contract's price is lower than the spot price, generally indicating a bearish sentiment. However, this can also imply an overly bearish positioning among traders. If many traders are positioned for further price declines, the market could experience a short squeeze, where a sudden upward price movement causes short sellers to close positions, thereby driving prices even higher.

Therefore, while funding rates provide insights into whether the market is bullish or bearish, they also offer deeper indications of potential market movements, such as overconfidence in bullish markets or the possibility of a squeeze in bearish markets.

Historical Funding Rates