Best Crypto Faucets

Summary: Cryptocurrency faucets are essential tools for developers and users who need testnet tokens to test new applications or to deploy smart contracts on blockchain networks. They not only deliver digital assets but also support the testing of applications and smart contracts on both layer 1 and layer 2 networks, allowing for safe development practices.

We have carefully chosen the top five cryptocurrency faucets based on their multi-chain compatibility, ease of access, generous daily token limits, and overall reliability. Here are the most dependable faucets available:

  1. QuickNode - Top Choice for EVM Compatible Tokens
  2. Triangle Faucet - Leading Multi-Chain Crypto Faucet
  3. Coinbase Faucet - Reliable and Secure Source for Tokens
  4. Infura - Best for Ethereum Sepolia Testing
  5. Stakely - Ideal for Smaller Chains
Best Crypto Faucet
5.0 out of 5.0 by Datawallet

QuickNode stands out as the best overall faucet due to its extensive multi-chain support, high daily token allocations, and user-friendly interface, making it ideal for diverse blockchain development needs.

Supported Faucets

Ethereum, Optimism, BNB Chain, Arbitrum, Polygon + 10 more.


24/7 support team for developers and users.


0 fees to acquire testnet tokens.

Best Cryptocurrency Faucets

In our detailed analysis to find the top-performing cryptocurrency faucets, we carefully examined multiple platforms, focusing on key aspects like support for various blockchains, brand trustworthiness, and generous faucet limits. We analyzed each platform’s compatibility with different blockchains, their reliability, and the accessibility of their limits. Our extensive research and clear evaluation criteria guided us to select the five best cryptocurrency faucets.

1. QuickNode

QuickNode is renowned for its multi-chain faucet feature, essential for developers who need testnet tokens to trial applications or deploy smart contracts. It supports a variety of wallets such as Coinbase Wallet, MetaMask, and Phantom, offering substantial daily tokens up to 0.001 ETH. This facility is more than just a service; it is fundamental in aiding developers during the intricate phases of blockchain development, ensuring they have the necessary tokens for their transactions.

At its core, QuickNode is committed to delivering a seamless and decentralized web experience, backed by its extensive infrastructure across more than 15 blockchains. The combination of an easy-to-use interface and fair usage policies, supported by a team with deep industry knowledge and robust support, positions QuickNode as a reliable and efficient platform for blockchain developers.

QuickNode Faucet

2. Triangle Faucet

Triangle Faucet, located in California and adhering to US regulations, offers a secure and trusted multi-chain faucet service, vital for Web3 developers. This regulatory compliance enhances the reliability of their blockchain services. Triangle provides straightforward access to testnet tokens for a diverse set of networks, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, zkSync, Solana, Cardano, Base, Arbitrum, and 30 others.

Focusing on security, Triangle's faucet service incorporates high-level security protocols. As a US-regulated entity, it maintains strict compliance standards, ensuring dependable and secure operations. This mixture of comprehensive security, broad network accessibility, and regulatory trust makes Triangle an essential resource for developers needing reliable and compliant tools for blockchain testing and development.

Triangle Faucet

3. Coinbase Faucet

Coinbase Faucet, a leading service, provides developers with efficient testnet funds for their blockchain projects. It offers free testing of smart contracts on networks like Base Goerli and Polygon Mumbai using non-valuable tokens, ensuring a secure development space. Users can seamlessly authenticate using Coinbase Wallet, which supports various testnets including Base Goerli and Polygon Mumbai, all integrated into a single platform.

The service enforces a 24-hour request limit per faucet to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage. It includes specific faucets with set limits—0.1 ETH for Base Goerli and 1 FTM for Fantom Opera, among others, to cater to different development needs. Features such as direct access from the Coinbase Wallet extension, straightforward network management, and compatibility with multiple wallets make Coinbase Faucet a user-friendly and reliable choice for developers.

Coinbase Faucet

4. Infura

Infura, known for its specialization in Sepolia testnet ETH and Ethereum mainnet, is a top choice for blockchain developers. It simplifies obtaining Sepolia ETH, which is sent directly to user wallets when they register an Infura account. The platform is designed to be user-friendly, featuring detailed guides including a video walkthrough and an article on how to use its Sepolia testnet faucet, suitable for both experienced and new Web3 developers.

Additionally, Infura's robust blockchain listening and webhooks tool makes transaction monitoring straightforward, as shown in a comprehensive tutorial. Supported by Consensys and the Ethereum Foundation, Infura ensures a consistent supply of Sepolia ETH, creating a reliable and persistent environment. This positions Infura as a crucial tool for developers focusing on Web3 projects, particularly those using the Sepolia testnet and Ethereum mainnet.


5. Stakely Faucet

Stakely, a leading faucet provider, supports a vast array of over 40 blockchain environments, including Cosmos, Solana, Sui, Aptos, Sei, and others. It plays an essential role by issuing small amounts of tokens for transaction gas, particularly aiding those new to handling crypto gas fees. To access Stakely's services, users need to meet several criteria: holding fewer tokens than those provided, limiting claims across networks, completing captchas, and having a verified Twitter account.

As the crypto landscape expands, Stakely’s extensive support for various networks is crucial, especially for users unfamiliar with network fees. Stakely’s commitment to a wide user base is mirrored in its community-focused approach, with funding sourced from its tokens, community donations, and staking rewards. This not only sustains the service but also reinforces Stakely’s commitment to nurturing the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Stakely Faucet

What is a Crypto Faucet?

Crypto faucets are vital components of the Web 3 ecosystem, providing small, free amounts of cryptocurrency. They play an essential role in introducing users to digital currencies, allowing for hands-on learning without financial risk. Users generally perform simple tasks or solve captchas to earn these rewards.

These platforms are incredibly useful for Web 3 developers, offering the necessary tools to test and deploy smart contracts and applications in decentralized finance. Funded by advertisements or donations, crypto faucets function as public resources, supporting various cryptocurrencies without a profit motive. They are key in educating new users and advancing development in the cryptocurrency sector.

Do Faucet Tokens Have Value?

No, tokens issued by crypto faucets generally hold no monetary value. These tokens are designed primarily for educational and testing purposes, enabling users to explore how cryptocurrencies operate without financial risk. Faucets distribute only minimal amounts, which are not meant for investment or large transactions. Instead, the true value of faucet tokens is in their function as educational tools within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, cryptocurrency faucets are indispensable in the Web 3 ecosystem, providing essential tools for safe blockchain development. Our top five picks—QuickNode, Triangle Faucet, Coinbase Faucet, Infura, and Stakely—are highlighted for their multi-chain compatibility, ease of use, and strong security. These platforms equip developers with necessary resources for testing and deploying applications, playing a pivotal role in both educating about and advancing blockchain technology.