Celestia Explained

Summary: Celestia redefines blockchain scalability and security through its modular data availability network. By separating execution from consensus and implementing cutting-edge technologies like Data Availability Sampling (DAS) and Namespaced Merkle Trees (NMTs), Celestia ensures efficient and reliable data verification.

This framework enables major app chains like Dymension and Eclipse to build customizable and high-throughput chains. Additionally, its use of the TIA token to stake and earn airdrops from projects leveraging the technology has promoted fast growth and community engagement.

What is Celestia?

Celestia is a modular data availability (DA) network that optimizes scalability through a framework where execution is separate from consensus, in contrast to monolithic chains like Ethereum and Solana. This structure reduces the consensus process to primarily focus on ordering transactions and ensuring their availability. This consensus mechanism supports the foundation of independent blockchains, allowing for greater scalability and adaptability for diverse applications.

Celestia employs two significant innovations to ensure efficient data verification: Data Availability Sampling (DAS) and Namespaced Merkle Trees (NMTs). DAS enables light nodes to validate data availability effectively without downloading the entire block content, instead sampling specific shares. NMTs allow execution and settlement layers within Celestia to selectively engage with transactions that are relevant to them, significantly enhancing processing efficiency on the network.

What is Celestia?

How Celestia’s Data Availability Layer Works

The Data Availability (DA) Layer on Celestia provides critical infrastructure to ensure that the transaction data is consistently accessible and verifiable, promoting a trust-minimized environment. This layer utilizes unique techniques to address data availability challenges effectively. Below is a technical breakdown of how it operates:

  • Data Availability Sampling (DAS): Allows light nodes to confirm the availability of data without needing to download entire blocks. Light nodes perform this by sampling small, specific segments of data from blocks.
  • Namespaced Merkle Trees (NMTs): These specialized Merkle trees help organize data into distinct namespaces, which support efficient data retrieval relevant to specific applications or tasks, without the need to interact with unrelated data.
  • Two-Dimensional Reed-Solomon Encoding: This advanced encoding method is applied to block data to enhance error detection and correction, facilitating robust data recovery even if parts of the data are missing or corrupted.
  • Merkle Proofs: Light nodes use these proofs to independently verify the integrity of the data samples they retrieve, ensuring the data's correctness and completeness.
  • Gossip Protocol Enhancement: After verifying data through DAS, light nodes disseminate correct data shares across the network, bolstering overall data reliability and availability.

These components work in synergy on Celestia’s DA layer to optimize data throughput and accessibility, crucial for maintaining high levels of network security and efficiency.

Reed Solomon Encoding

What are Blobs?

Blobs in Celestia refer to the packaged data transactions submitted by developers to the network. They are intended for inclusion in a blockchain block after EIP-4844 is added to the Ethereum network. 

This submission is carried out through PayForBlobs transactions that include the data's identity, size, and namespace. Each transaction ensures that the data, split into blobs, is properly merged into the distributed ledger within the designated namespace, making it an integral part of the block’s structure.

The encoding and subsequent integration of these blobs into the blockchain involve certain network resources and computational efforts, which are compensated through fees denominated in TIA, Celestia’s native token.

Celestia Blob market

Celestia Tokenomics

Celestia's tokenomics center around TIA, its native token, crucial for various network operations. TIA has a genesis supply of 1,000,000,000, with an annual inflation starting at 8%, tapering down by 10% each year to a stable 1.5%. TIA is integral for funding blockchain operations, as users pay for data storage in transactions with TIA.

The token also facilitates network security through a proof-of-stake system, where validators and delegators can earn rewards. Additionally, TIA holders engage in decentralized governance, voting on network changes and community fund allocations. This multi-functional role underscores TIA's vital position in Celestia's operational and economic framework.

Celestia Tokenomics

Celestia Staking Airdrops

Users staking TIA have been benefiting from large airdrops courtesy of various projects that utilize Celestia for data availability, including prominent names like Dymension, Manta Network, and AltLayer. This not only boosts their potential earnings but also solidifies their involvement in Celestia's growing ecosystem.

For those interested in staking TIA on Celestia, the process is user-friendly and accessible. Detailed instructions on how to stake TIA using popular wallets like Keplr and Leap are available in our comprehensive Celestia staking guide.

Celestia Team and Funding

Celestia is spearheaded by Celestia Labs, with leadership from CEO Mustafa Al-Bassam, who holds a PhD in blockchain scaling, and CTO Ismail Khoffi, with his extensive background as a senior engineer at Tendermint. Their vision focuses on enhancing blockchain security and scalability. 

On the financial front, Celestia Labs has achieved unicorn status, boasting a valuation of $1 billion. It recently secured $55 million in a funding round led by Bain Capital Crypto and Polychain Capital, marking significant financial milestones.

Bottom Line

Celestia stands out as the first modular data availability network optimizing blockchain scalability through innovations like Data Availability Sampling and Namespaced Merkle Trees. With its robust Data Availability Layer, Celestia supports secure transaction verifications and enhances the efficiency of networks, including prominent projects like Dymension and Manta Network. 

The integration of its native TIA token within its system encourages active participation through staking incentives and airdrops, highlighting its strategic approach in fostering blockchain development and community engagement.