How to Add a Network to MetaMask

Summary: Adding a custom network to your MetaMask wallet is straightforward with ChainList, a reliable source for vetted RPC and network details. If the network you're looking to include works with the Ethereum Virtual Machine, you're all set to broaden your MetaMask wallet's capabilities, enriching your interaction with various blockchain applications.

5.0 out of 5.0 by Datawallet

Chainlist is an aggregator of Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) networks. It allows users to connect their MetaMask wallets to the specific Chain and Network ID, ensuring a safe connection to the correct blockchain.

Supported Networks

100+ Layer 1 and Layer 2 chains.

Development Team

Built by the Defillama team.

Compatible Wallets

MetaMask only.

Can I Add a Custom Network to MetaMask?

Absolutely, you can add a custom network to MetaMask. This is particularly handy when you're working with dApps on networks beyond the main Ethereum blockchain. Keep in mind, MetaMask primarily supports networks compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) – that includes both layer 1 and layer 2 blockchains. When adding a custom EVM-compatible network, you'll need the correct Network ID and Chain ID information, often called RPC Details. It's crucial these details come from a reliable source to ensure everything runs smoothly.

How to Add a Network to MetaMask

Adding a network to your MetaMask wallet can significantly expand its functionality. ChainList, a trusted aggregator, simplifies the process of finding and connecting to the right RPC and Network IDs for both mainnet and testnet environments. Here’s how to seamlessly integrate a custom network using ChainList:

  1. Visit ChainList: Navigate to the ChainList website to start the process.
  2. Sync MetaMask: Ensure your MetaMask wallet is synchronized with ChainList for a smooth experience.
  3. Search for Network: Utilize the search bar at the top of the page to locate the custom network you're aiming to add. Select your desired network from the dropdown list.
  4. Connect Wallet: In the area specified for your chosen network, click on the 'Connect Wallet' button to finalize the addition.
Add a Network to MetaMask

Can I Add Multiple Networks to MetaMask?

Yes, your MetaMask wallet lets you add as many networks as you like, covering both mainnet and testnet environments. This flexibility makes it super easy to interact with a variety of blockchain ecosystems, especially those that work well with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

About MetaMask

MetaMask is a leading crypto wallet and gateway that lets you engage with blockchain applications seamlessly. Trusted by over 30 million users globally, it is available as a browser extension and a mobile app. MetaMask is an all-in-one solution, providing a secure key vault, login, token wallet, and token exchange features, essential for managing your digital assets. It's designed to offer a secure yet straightforward interface for exploring blockchain apps, enabling you to maintain full control in interactions on the decentralized web.


Bottom Line

In summary, adding custom or multiple networks to your MetaMask wallet enhances its versatility, enabling smoother interactions across diverse blockchain ecosystems, notably those aligned with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Whether you're engaging with decentralized applications on various chains or exploring both mainnet and testnet environments, tools like ChainList facilitate the integration process by connecting you with the necessary RPC and Network IDs. Always remember to source these details reliably to ensure a seamless experience as you navigate the expansive blockchain landscape.