BTC Halving Date


2:37 AM GMT+5:30

Est. Time Remaining












Blocks Remaining


Target # ---

Bitcoin Price



Bitcoin Price
Block HeightTime Mined (GMT+5:30)

What is the Bitcoin Halving?

The Bitcoin Halving is a scheduled event that reduces the mining reward by 50%. Occurring approximately every four years or after 210,000 blocks, it controls the creation of new bitcoins. This process limits inflation and increases scarcity, ensuring a predictable decrease in bitcoin supply.

Similar to gold mining, where finding new deposits becomes harder over time, Bitcoin Halving helps maintain its value by regulating its issuance.

Bitcoin Halving Countdown

Why is Bitcoin's Supply Programmed to Halve?

Bitcoin's supply-halving mechanism mitigates inflation, common in traditional fiat currencies devalued by excessive printing. With a maximum supply cap of 21 million BTC, Bitcoin's value can increase as demand grows against a fixed supply.

This concept parallels gold's limited availability, enhancing Bitcoin's economic properties. Satoshi Nakamoto implemented the halving to ensure a decentralized, deflationary currency. This system contrasts with inflation-prone fiat currencies, making Bitcoin a potential hedge against inflation.

Next Bitcoin Halving Date

Based on our Bitcoin block tracker and the target block of 1,050,000, the next Bitcoin halving is projected to occur between March 25 and March 30, 2028. Due to the variable nature of block times, which are not always exactly every 10 minutes, the exact date may vary slightly.

What is Bitcoin’s Supply Schedule?

Bitcoin's halving events occur roughly every four years, reducing the block reward for miners by half to control supply. Here is a summary of past and future halvings:

  • First halving (November 28, 2012): Block reward decreased from 50 BTC to 25 BTC.
  • Second halving (July 9, 2016): Block reward decreased from 25 BTC to 12.5 BTC.
  • Third halving (May 11, 2020): Block reward decreased from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC.
  • Fourth halving (April 19, 2024): Block reward decreased from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC.
  • Fifth halving (estimated in 2028): Block reward expected to decrease from 3.125 BTC to 1.5625 BTC.

This process will continue until Bitcoin reaches its maximum supply of 21 million BTC around 2140, setting it apart from traditional inflationary currencies.

Bitcoin Supply Schedule

How Do Bitcoin Halvings Influence Price?

Bitcoin halvings significantly impact its price through supply-demand dynamics. As block rewards decrease, the rate of new Bitcoin entering the market slows, potentially increasing its price if demand remains steady or grows due to scarcity.

Historically, Bitcoin prices have often risen post-halving, but past performance doesn't indicate future results. Factors like market sentiment, global economic conditions, and regulatory changes also play crucial roles in determining Bitcoin's price.

It's important to consider these broader market contexts and the supply reduction effect of halvings when assessing their potential impact on Bitcoin's price.