How to Bridge to Blast

Summary: Bridging to Blast using is secure and cost-effective, featuring competitive fees, minimal slippage, and instant finality. It works seamlessly with popular wallets like MetaMask, allowing easy transfers of ETH, USDC, and more. excels in its wide interoperability across 17 networks, including Blast and other Layer 2 platforms. With over $2 billion in transactions and a trusted user base, is a reliable choice for cross-chain asset transfers.

Website Overview
5.0 out of 5.0 by Datawallet is a well-regarded platform offering secure and fast bridging solutions between 17 different EVM networks, backed by industry leaders and boasting user-friendly features in the DeFi space.

Supported Chains

Ethereum, Polygon, zkSync, Arbitrum, BNB Chain + 12 more.

Supported Tokens



Audited by PeckShield with an open ImmuneFi bug bounty.

Can I Bridge to Blast?

Yes, you can. Moving assets to Blast is straightforward with specialized cross-chain bridges designed for this Layer 2 platform offering native yield. These bridges work seamlessly with popular wallets such as MetaMask and various Web3 wallets, enabling easy transfers of cryptocurrencies like ETH, USDC, and DAI from Ethereum and other networks directly to Blast.

How to Bridge to Blast

Bridging assets to Blast is simple and efficient with, known for its user-friendly interface, low transaction fees, and wide token support including ETH, USDC, and various stablecoins. With over $2 billion in cross-chain transactions and a user base of over one million, offers reliable and secure asset transfers.

Follow these steps to bridge assets to Blast via

  1. Connect Your Wallet: Go to and connect your MetaMask or another Web3-compatible wallet.
  2. Select Network and Token: Choose your source network from a list of EVM-compatible networks like Ethereum, Arbitrum, Base, and others. Set Blast as your destination and select the token you wish to bridge.
  3. Input the Amount and Approve: Enter the amount you want to transfer and click 'Approve' to start the process.
  4. Finalize the Transfer: Follow the wallet instructions to complete the transfer to Blast, ensuring a smooth process.

What are the Fees?

When using to transfer assets to Blast, a transaction fee of 0.19% applies. While on-chain gas fees on Blast’s Layer 2, built on the OP Stack, typically remain under a cent, transferring from the Ethereum mainnet into Blast can cost up to $10 in gas fees.

Compared to alternatives like Synapse, which can charge up to 0.3% per transfer and have higher slippage, offers a more competitive route. This ensures a cost-effective and efficient solution for asset transfers, providing quick and secure transactions with minimal expenses.

What is Blast?

Blast is an Ethereum Layer 2 solution offering native yield on ETH and stablecoins. It utilizes ETH staking and on-chain T-Bill protocols to provide a 4% yield on ETH and 5% on stablecoins, significantly higher than other L2 platforms. Built on the OP Stack, Blast features low transaction fees and supports auto-rebasing assets, enabling seamless integration for existing Dapps without altering user experience.

Bottom Line

In summary, transferring assets to Blast is efficient and cost-effective, especially when using With its user-friendly platform, low fees, and extensive token support, simplifies the process of bridging assets to Blast. This makes it an attractive choice compared to alternatives like Synapse, ensuring quick, secure, and economical transactions.