How to Revoke Token Permissions on MetaMask

Summary: Revoking permissions on MetaMask is crucial for protecting your digital assets from unauthorized or malicious transactions. Tools like allow you to easily manage and revoke token permissions, ensuring better control and security.

Regularly reviewing and updating these permissions enhances the safety and privacy of your interactions with decentralized apps.

5.0 out of 5 by Datawallet

Revoke.Cash is the most trusted application that allows users to safely and easily review and manage their on-chain token permissions. Remove, change and add token permissions at the click of a button.

Supported Chains

Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Arbitrum & all EVM networks.


Zero fees (excluding gas fee to revoke permissions)

Other Features browser extension

Can I Revoke Permissions on MetaMask?

Yes, you can revoke permissions on MetaMask. This action helps protect your assets by limiting smart contract interactions. When you grant permissions, a smart contract can access your wallet and perform actions based on the permissions given. By revoking these permissions, you restrict the contract’s capabilities, reducing the risk of unauthorized or malicious transactions and enhancing the security of your assets.

How to Revoke Permissions on MetaMask

To revoke token permissions on MetaMask, use This tool connects to your wallet and displays all token allowances given to decentralized apps (dapps). With a straightforward interface, it lets you revoke or adjust permissions easily. Note that revoking permissions costs a small fee, usually around 20 cents, for the gas. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Visit and connect your MetaMask wallet.
  2. Select the blockchain network, like Ethereum, BNB Chain, or Arbitrum.
  3. Find the token allowance you want to revoke and click 'revoke'.
  4. Confirm the transaction to remove the permission.

This process enhances control and security over your digital assets by managing dapp access.

Revoke Token Permissions

Why is it Important to Revoke Token Permissions?

Revoking token permissions is crucial for managing and securing applications or services that use access tokens. Here are the main reasons why it's essential:

  1. Protection from Exploits: Token permissions allow access to specific blockchain functions. If not revoked in time, they can be exploited, putting your security at risk. Regular revocation helps mitigate this danger.
  2. Privacy Safeguard: Tokens can access sensitive blockchain data. Regularly revoking permissions helps prevent unauthorized access and maintains your privacy.
  3. Secure Access: Grant token permissions sparingly for dApp or user access to your MetaMask wallet. Revoking unnecessary permissions enhances control and protection against smart contract exploits.
  4. Adaptation to Changes: When changing wallet ownership or discontinuing a dApp, revoking permissions prevents misuse from unintended smart contract interactions.
  5. Breach Response: If you suspect a breach of your MetaMask wallet, immediate revocation of token permissions is crucial to limit potential damage from exploits.
  6. Lifecycle Management: Regularly reviewing and revoking token permissions helps avoid unnoticed security vulnerabilities.

In summary, careful token management, especially regular permission revocation, is a key strategy for defending against digital asset security threats, particularly smart contract exploits.

What is Revoke Cash?, launched in 2019 by Rosco Kalis, is a crucial Web3 tool addressing security issues in DeFi and smart contracts. It allows users to revoke permissions for unlimited token spending, enhancing security. As Web3 grew, so did the need for better security. Kalis dedicated himself to in 2022, adding features like a browser extension and an improved approvals dashboard.

Today, is maintained by Kalis and a team of contractors, supported by donations, grants, and sponsorships. The tool is open-source and includes a learning section to help users understand Web3, crypto wallets, tokens, NFTs, and token approvals.

Bottom Line

Revoking token permissions on MetaMask is essential for securing your digital assets. Using tools like makes this process straightforward, allowing you to manage and control token allowances effectively. Regularly revoking unnecessary permissions helps protect against exploits, unauthorized access, and other security threats, ensuring that your interactions with decentralized apps remain safe.

By staying proactive in managing token permissions, you can significantly enhance the security and privacy of your blockchain activities.