Rocket Pool Explained

Summary: Rocket Pool democratizes Ethereum staking by lowering the entry barrier to 0.01 ETH and utilizing decentralized node operators. It offers innovative features like rETH tokens for staking rewards and a fully on-chain DAO for governance. With robust security measures and audits from ConsnSys Diligence, Rocket Pool enhances accessibility and trust in Ethereum's Proof-of-Stake system.

Rocket Pool
4.9 out of 5.0 by Datawallet

Rocket Pool democratizes Ethereum staking by providing a decentralized protocol that lowers entry barriers and offers unique rETH tokens that accrue value over time.

Total Value Locked (TVL)

$1.86 Billion

Minimum ETH Staking Amount

0.01 ETH

rETH Composability

Available in Aura Finance, Convex, Curve and more.

What is Rocket Pool?

Rocket Pool is a decentralized Ethereum staking protocol designed to increase participation in Ethereum's Proof-of-Stake system. By lowering the minimum staking requirement from the standard 32 ETH to just 0.01 ETH, it allows individuals with smaller Ethereum holdings to participate in staking and earn rewards.

The protocol uses a network of decentralized node operators who are essential for validating transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. These operators need to stake only 16 ETH to establish a validator node, half the usual requirement. The remaining 16 ETH is pooled from other users' contributions, fostering a collaborative staking environment.

Contributors to the staking pool receive rETH, a liquid staking token that represents their share of the staked ETH. As node operators earn rewards, the value of rETH increases relative to ETH, enabling rETH holders to benefit from the staking rewards. Rocket Pool's innovative approach offers an accessible and rewarding way to engage in the growth and security of the Ethereum network.

Rocket Pool

How Does Rocket Pool Staking Work?

Rocket Pool provides a decentralized and inclusive method for participating in Ethereum staking. Here's how the process works:

  1. Minipool Formation: Validators in the Rocket Pool network each contribute 16 ETH to form a minipool, with the remaining 16 ETH pooled from user contributions. This setup reduces the standard 32 ETH requirement for staking.
  2. Accessible Staking: The platform lowers the entry barrier significantly by allowing users to stake as little as 0.01 ETH, thereby enabling more people to participate.
  3. Issuance of rETH Tokens: Users receive rETH tokens when they stake their ETH. These tokens represent the user's staked ETH and can appreciate in value over time.
  4. Earning Staking Rewards: The value of rETH increases relative to ETH based on the staking rewards earned by node operators, providing returns for participants.
  5. rETH Redemption: Users can convert their rETH tokens back to ETH, allowing them to access the value gained from staking rewards.
  6. Risk Management: To protect rETH holders, penalties incurred by node operators are deducted from their earnings. Any losses due to poor node performance are shared across the network, reducing individual risk.

Rocket Pool's model enhances participation in Ethereum's Proof-of-Stake system by offering a secure, accessible, and decentralized staking option, contributing to the Ethereum blockchain's growth and stability.

Rocket Pool Staking

What was the Houston Upgrade?

The Houston Upgrade introduces a fully on-chain DAO (pDAO) for Rocket Pool, enhancing governance without third-party tools. It allows staking ETH on behalf of node operators and introduces an RPL withdrawal address feature. These updates enable flexible staking setups and improve security.

Protocol DAO (pDAO)

The pDAO ensures active governance by requiring participation from node operators, not just token holders. It manages protocol settings like ETH deposit minimums and deposit pool limits.

Key Features of the Houston Upgrade

  • Staking on Behalf of a Node: Allows staking ETH on behalf of registered nodes, supporting secure staking from hardware wallets and various custodial arrangements.
  • RPL Withdrawal Address: Enables setting a separate withdrawal address for RPL, allowing entities to claim RPL rewards without direct exposure.

These improvements make Rocket Pool more versatile and secure, enhancing its decentralized staking protocol.

Is Rocket Pool Safe?

Rocket Pool is considered a secure and reliable Ethereum staking protocol, as evidenced by its substantial total value locked (TVL) of over $4.4 billion. This high TVL reflects users' confidence in the platform's stability and security.

In April 2021, a security audit by ConsenSys Diligence highlighted potential risks, including DAO takeover threats, sandwich attack vulnerabilities, and incomplete process implementations. The Rocket Pool team promptly addressed these issues, reinforcing their commitment to maintaining a secure environment for Ethereum staking.

By proactively enhancing security measures, Rocket Pool ensures a trustworthy and safe staking experience for its users.

Is Rocket Pool Safe?

Rocket Pool vs Lido

Both Rocket Pool and Lido are decentralized Ethereum staking platforms, but they differ in their approach to user participation.

Lido employs a more centralized structure, relying on professional staking providers as node operators. Users who stake ETH with Lido receive stETH tokens, which represent their staked ETH and accrued rewards. These tokens are versatile and can be traded or used in various DeFi protocols.

Rocket Pool offers a more decentralized model. It allows any ETH holder to become a node operator and supports partial staking for those without the full 32 ETH requirement. Users staking with Rocket Pool receive rETH tokens, which represent their staked ETH and earned rewards. Rocket Pool also includes an insurance mechanism via its native RPL token.

While Lido provides a straightforward and user-friendly staking experience, Rocket Pool offers more participation options and a truly decentralized approach, though it may be slightly more complex to set up.

Bottom Line

Rocket Pool provides a decentralized, user-friendly solution for Ethereum staking, lowering the entry barrier to just 0.01 ETH and offering innovative features like the Protocol DAO for governance and rETH tokens for staking rewards. Its inclusive approach and robust security measures make it a reliable choice for those looking to participate in Ethereum's Proof-of-Stake system, enhancing both accessibility and network security.