What are Bitcoin Ordinals?

Summary: Bitcoin Ordinals, introduced in November 2021 via the Taproot upgrade, are transforming the Bitcoin blockchain by enabling the inscription of unique digital assets directly onto satoshis. This innovation not only enriches Bitcoin's utility beyond mere financial transactions by allowing the trade and ownership of non-fungible assets but also boosts economic activity through increased demand for block space.

Despite potential scalability challenges, the adoption of Ordinals is growing, marking a significant evolution in how Bitcoin can be utilized while attracting new users and investment into the space.

Best Bitcoin Ordinals NFT Marketplace
5.0 out of 5.0 by Datawallet

Magic Eden is the most popular multi-chain NFT marketplace that has native support for Bitcoin Ordinals. Their platform boasts over 100 BTC in daily trading volume.

Supported NFTs

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana and Polygon.

Supported BTC Wallets

Hiro Wallet (now Leather) and Unisat.

Popular Ordinals Collections

Bitcoin Frogs, Bitmap, Bitcoin Punks and more.

What are Bitcoin Ordinals?

Bitcoin Ordinals are a new type of digital asset on the Bitcoin blockchain, similar to non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Created using the Taproot upgrade in November 2021, they are inscribed directly onto satoshis, the smallest Bitcoin unit. This method places unique asset data into the transaction's witness section of Bitcoin, offering the same level of uniqueness and verifiability as Ethereum's NFTs.

Bitcoin Ordinals represent more than just a technological advancement in digital assets; they have also revived economic interest in the Bitcoin network. Their popularity has led to increased demand for block space, which in turn boosts the network’s fee market. To date, these changes have generated accumulated fees exceeding $264 million, underscoring the significant economic impact Ordinals have on the network.

This surge in fees underscores the critical role Bitcoin Ordinals play in enhancing the network’s utility and promoting a dynamic and robust fee market, both of which are vital for Bitcoin's continued growth and stability.

Bitcoin Ordinals

How do Ordinal Inscriptions Work?

Ordinal inscriptions are a sophisticated method on the Bitcoin blockchain that transforms a satoshi, Bitcoin’s smallest unit, into a distinct digital asset. This process uses the Taproot upgrade from November 2021, which increases the blockchain’s ability to handle complex transactions. This upgrade is crucial for embedding additional data within a transaction.

The core of this technique involves placing the digital asset’s data into the transaction’s witness section, an enhancement enabled by the SegWit upgrade, originally designed to boost Bitcoin's scalability. The witness section of a transaction not only aids in streamlining transaction processing but now also accommodates unique digital content, effectively making satoshis non-fungible.

Through Ordinal inscriptions, the Bitcoin blockchain has broadened its functionality, now enabling not only financial transactions but also the management and trading of unique digital entities, all while upholding the blockchain’s security and integrity.


How to Buy Bitcoin Ordinals

To buy Bitcoin Ordinals securely and effectively, follow these four essential steps:

  1. Choose a Reputable NFT Marketplace: Start with a marketplace known for supporting Bitcoin Ordinals, like Magic Eden. Not only is it compatible with Bitcoin wallets like Hiro and Unisat, but it also offers a wide variety of Ordinals.
  2. Set Up a Compatible Bitcoin Wallet: Select a bitcoin wallet that supports Ordinals, such as Leather or Unisat. These wallets are essential for securely conducting transactions needed to purchase Ordinals.
  3. Connect Your Wallet to the Marketplace: Link your chosen wallet to Magic Eden. This step is essential for making direct purchases of Ordinals using your Bitcoin.
  4. Make a Purchase: Browse through Magic Eden’s offerings, select the Ordinal you want, and proceed with the purchase instructions. Your transaction will occur via your linked wallet, and the Ordinal will be transferred to your wallet once confirmed on the blockchain.

Remember, maintaining security and being mindful of transaction fees are crucial when buying Bitcoin Ordinals. This guide is designed to offer a direct and secure pathway to purchasing Bitcoin Ordinals.

Bitcoin Ordinals Marketplace

Are Ordinals Good or Bad for Bitcoin?

Ordinals bring both advantages and challenges to the Bitcoin network. On the economic front, they invigorate the fee market by increasing the demand for block space, providing miners with another source of income, which is increasingly important as block rewards decline. They also inject innovation into the system by extending Bitcoin's functionalities beyond mere financial transactions, attracting a diverse user base and enhancing Bitcoin's visibility and utility.

However, these innovations come with their sets of challenges. Increased demand for block space may lead to network congestion, potentially causing slower transactions and higher transaction fees. Additionally, the data-intensive nature of Ordinals could enlarge the blockchain, posing sustainability and scalability issues.

Despite these concerns, the overall reception of Bitcoin Ordinals in the community tends to be positive. Their significant contributions to economic incentives, innovation, and increased network engagement often overshadow the potential drawbacks.

Who Created Bitcoin Ordinals?

Bitcoin Ordinals were developed by Casey Rodarmor, known on Twitter as @Rodarmor. Beyond this innovation, he has also proposed Runes, a novel Bitcoin-based fungible token protocol. This proposal serves as an alternative to the BRC-20 token standard, specifically addressing complications related to unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) on the Bitcoin network. Rodarmor's strategy with Runes is designed to integrate seamlessly with Bitcoin's existing architecture and encourages prudent UTXO management, which could lessen the network strain compared to current protocols.

Bottom Line

In summary, Bitcoin Ordinals introduce a transformative way to utilize the Bitcoin blockchain, expanding it beyond traditional financial transactions to include unique digital assets similar to NFTs. With their creation and transaction process enabled by upgrades like Taproot and SegWit, these assets enhance the blockchain’s functionality and economic dynamics. Despite raising potential scalability and congestion concerns, Ordinals have generally been met with enthusiasm, largely due to their ability to attract new users and additional revenue streams through increased transaction fees.