Best Crypto Bridges

Summary: Selecting the right crypto bridge is important to ensure the secure transfer of your assets cross-chain. A dependable platform must undergo extensive smart contract audits and focus on user needs to ensure smooth transactions. It should also accommodate both Layer 1 and Layer 2 bridges and support both EVM and non-EVM blockchains.

To help users manage complex cross-chain transactions, we have developed a top 5 list of crypto bridges. This list is based on an in-depth evaluation of bridge security, network compatibility, liquidity, fee structures, and overall user experience.

  1. - Best Overall Crypto Bridge
  2. Across Protocol - Lowest Fees for ETH to L2 Transfers
  3. Rango Exchange - Best Crypto Bridge Aggregator
  4. Portal Bridge - Top Choice for Non-EVM Chains (e.g. Sui)
  5. Gravity Bridge - Best Bridge for Cosmos Ecosystem
Best Overall Crypto Bridge
5.0 out of 5.0 by Datawallet supports over 23 blockchains and 500 tokens, using 'roll-up' technology to enhance speed and reduce fees. It has processed over $2.35 billion in transactions, proving its reliability and efficiency.

Supported Chains

Ethereum, Base, BNB Chain, Starknet & 19 more.

Supported Tokens

WETH, USDT, USDC and 500 other tokens.

Protocol Security

No Exploits and Smart Contract Audits from PeckShield.

Best Crypto Bridges for Cross-Chain Swaps

After evaluating over 15 crypto bridge protocols, our analysis focused on their suitability for both Layer 1 and Layer 2 networks. We examined liquidity, cross-chain compatibility, ecosystem support, fee transparency, and security strength. Our detailed review identified five top crypto bridge platforms that excel in boosting interoperability within the blockchain environment.

Supported Chains
Bridging Fees
Total Volume
Transaction Speed
Ethereum, BNB, Avalanche, Base, Linea & 18 more
0.12% Fee and 0.05% Slippage
$2.35 Billion
Under 1 Minute
Across Protocol
Ethereum, Base, Arbitrum, zkSync & Optimism
0.1% Fee and 0.05% Slippage
$7 Billion
Under 1 Minute
Rango Exchange
Ethereum, Solana, Base, Cosmos, Bitcoin & 50 more
0.1% Fee and 0.1% Slippage
$2 Billion
Under 2 Minutes
Portal Bridge
Solana, Sui, NEAR, Aptos, Sei & 15 more
0.1% Fee and 0.1% Slippage
$1.5 Billion
2-5 Minutes
Gravity Bridge
Cosmos, Sei, Osmosis, Celestia & 10 more
0.08% Fee and 0.09% Slippage
$2 Billion
4-6 Minutes

1. is the leading cross-chain bridge that enables transfers across over 23 blockchains like Ethereum, Arbitrum, and Base, with transaction speeds often under 60 seconds. The platform supports over 500 tokens, enhancing liquidity and reducing fees for users.'s 'roll-up' technology batches transactions to avoid congestion on the Ethereum mainnet, ensuring both speedy and secure cross-chain transfers.

The platform has processed over $2.35 billion across 48.8 million transactions for more than a million accounts, offering a seamless, high-value user experience at low cost. This robust ecosystem, backed by industry giants like ConSenSys and Ledger, positions as a pivotal player in onboarding the next billion users to DeFi.

  • Supported Chains: Ethereum, Arbitrum, Linea, Base, opBNB, Optimism, Scroll, zkSync, Mantle, Avalanche, BNB Chain and 11 others.
  • Supported Tokens: Offers a diverse portfolio of over 500 tokens, providing ample choice and convenience for users.
Top Crypto Bridge

2. Across Protocol

Across Protocol is the premier choice for capital efficiency when bridging Ethereum to Layer 2 networks like Arbitrum, Optimism, and Base. Managing over $7 billion in transactions, it features a unified liquidity pool and a no-slippage fee model that benefits Layer 2 solutions. UMA’s optimistic oracle enhances transaction security, making Across a dependable choice for secure transfers.

The protocol excels with its user-centric, intentions-based architecture, ensuring rapid transactions and minimizing costs without security trade-offs. Supporting chains like Ethereum and tokens such as WETH and DAI, Across Protocol enables seamless, cost-effective interoperability trusted by leading applications. It's optimized for quick, economical asset transfers across key Layer 2 networks.

  • Supported Chains: Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism, Base, and Polygon.
  • Supported Tokens: WETH, DAI, USDT, USDC, WBTC, BAL, ACX, among others.
Across Protocol

3. Rango Exchange

Rango Exchange is the premier cross-chain bridge aggregator, facilitating asset transfers across over 60 chains via a single user-friendly interface. It has handled transactions totalling over $2 billion across 1.14 million swaps, serving a wide user base through 173.98K+ wallets. Leveraging an advanced API, Rango smartly navigates through DEXs, aggregators, and various cross-chain protocols to ensure efficient interoperability and asset swaps.

Recognized as the leading bridge aggregator, Rango supports a wide range of networks, including UTXO (Bitcoin and Dogecoin), EVM, and Cosmos, as well as others like Solana and Tron. By routing trades through multiple bridges to secure the most efficient transaction fulfilment, Rango optimizes capital efficiency. This coupled with its high-security, no KYC, fully decentralized service, delivers optimal efficiency and a user-focused experience.

  • Supported Chains: 55+ including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cosmos, Solana, and more. 
  • Supported Tokens: 1,000 tokens across all blockchains.
Rango Exchange

4. Portal Bridge

Portal Bridge ranks as the fourth-best cross-chain bridge, excelling particularly with non-EVM chains like Solana, Sui, NEAR and Aptos. Utilizing the Wormhole framework, it locks the original token in a smart contract and issues a Portal-wrapped token on the target chain, enabling straightforward swaps for other or native tokens.

Portal distinguishes itself by supporting both ERC721 and SPL NFTs, facilitating asset transfers across its network. While bridging fees are minimal, the primary cost is the gas fees. Portal's ability to register new tokens and its extensive support for non-EVM chains position it as an effective solution for bridging tokens across diverse blockchain ecosystems.

  • Supported Chains: Ethereum, Solana, Aptos, Sui, NEAR, Moonbeam, Injective, Fantom, and 10 others. 
  • Supported Tokens: WETH, USDC, USDT, WBTC, SOL, SUI, NEAR, and DAI.

5. Gravity Bridge

Gravity Bridge is the best bridge within the Cosmos ecosystem, efficiently linking Cosmos-SDK chains like Osmosis, Evmos, Canto, and Kujira with Ethereum. It adeptly handles the transfer of key ERC20 tokens such as DAI and USDC, utilizing the Interblockchain Communication (IBC) protocol to enable Cosmos projects to access Ethereum’s diverse asset pool.

Renowned for its decentralization and permissionless operation, Gravity Bridge boasts a solid validator set, positioning it among the market’s most decentralized bridges. Presently, it supports transfers of Ethereum and USDC, with a roadmap to include more ERC-20 tokens post-Cosmos SDK's Polaris update. Dedicated to security, Gravity Bridge’s reliability is underpinned by rigorous decentralized testnet trials and three comprehensive audits.

  • Supported Chains: Ethereum, Cosmos, Osmosis, Terra,, Canto, Secret, and more.
  • Supported Tokens: WETH, ETH, USDC, USDT, DAI, WBTC, ATOM, OSMO, and more.

What is a Crypto Bridge?

A crypto bridge, or blockchain bridge, functions as a gateway facilitating the transfer of tokens and/or data between diverse blockchain ecosystems. These transfers can occur between two different blockchains, such as Ethereum and BNB Chain, or between different layers of the same blockchain, like Ethereum and its Layer 2 solutions. 

Here’s a breakdown of how a standard crypto bridge operates:

  • Locking Mechanism: Initially, the tokens intended for transfer are locked in a smart contract on the source blockchain, temporarily removing them from circulation within that blockchain.
  • Token Minting on Destination Chain: On the destination blockchain, an equivalent amount of tokens is then minted. These could be exact copies of the original tokens or a wrapped version that represents the original assets.
  • Transfer Validation: To ensure the validity of the transfer, the bridge utilizes mechanisms involving validators or relayers. These parties verify that the tokens locked on the source chain correspond exactly to those minted on the destination chain.
  • Reversal Process: If assets need to be returned to the original blockchain, the process is reversed. The tokens on the destination chain are either burned or locked, which triggers the release or unlocking of the tokens initially locked on the source blockchain.

Lowest Fee Crypto Bridging Platform

Across is considered the most capital-efficient bridge, delivering substantially lower user fees through its capital efficient design. An analysis conducted by Across found that their protocol charges a median fee of $5.25 for transfers from Layer 1 to Layer 2, and $8.77 for moving from Layer 2 back to Layer 1, marking it as a leader in cost savings.

This competitive fee structure underscores Across's advantage in affordability, offering fee reductions of 25-75% compared to other platforms. This cost-efficiency is primarily driven by strategic design elements such as a unified liquidity pool and an interest-based fee model. 

Such innovations not only lower transaction costs but also make Across a preferred platform for Ethereum transfers to large layer 2’s like Arbitrum and Base.

Cheapest Crypto Bridge

Is Cross-Chain Bridging Safe?

The safety of cross-chain bridging, a crucial practice within the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, significantly depends on the technologies and protocols that each bridge implements. 

According to our recent Crypto Bridging Statistics and Trends report, even though many bridges employ strict on-chain security protocols, breaches have occurred. In 2022 alone, security failures in these bridges led to over $3 billion in capital losses, primarily from critical vulnerabilities.

For users, a solid understanding of the bridge's technological framework is essential. Choosing well-established bridges that have audited contracts, along with adhering to the latest personal security practices, is vital for minimizing risks associated with cross-chain transactions.

Closing Thoughts

In conclusion, selecting an effective crypto bridge is essential for secure, efficient asset transfers across diverse blockchain networks. Our analysis spotlights top performers like, Across Protocol, Rango Exchange, Portal Bridge, and Gravity Bridge, each excelling in areas such as security and user experience.

By choosing from this well-vetted list, users can ensure they are using reliable and capital efficient solutions for their cross-chain transactions, tailored to meet the growing ecosystem of layer 1, layer 2 and now layer 3 blockchains.