How to Bridge to Polygon zkEVM

Summary: Bridging assets to Polygon zkEVM is simple and secure with, offering low fees and extensive token support. integrates with MetaMask and other Web3 wallets for easy transfers of ETH, USDC, MATIC and other tokens.

Polygon zkEVM uses zkSNARKs and Polygon Zero technology to improve Ethereum's scalability, providing lower costs and higher throughput.

Website Overview
5.0 out of 5.0 by Datawallet is a well-regarded platform offering secure and fast bridging solutions between 17 different EVM networks, backed by industry leaders and boasting user-friendly features in the DeFi space.

Supported Chains

Ethereum, Polygon, zkSync, Arbitrum, BNB Chain + 12 more.

Supported Tokens



Audited by PeckShield with an open ImmuneFi bug bounty.

Can I Bridge to Polygon zkEVM?

Yes, you can bridge assets to Polygon zkEVM using several specialized cross-chain bridges. These bridges allow users to connect popular wallets like MetaMask and Coinbase, enabling the transfer of cryptocurrencies such as ETH, USDC, and MATIC from Ethereum and other networks directly to Polygon zkEVM.

How to Bridge to Polygon zkEVM

Transferring assets to Polygon zkEVM can be done efficiently using, known for its ease of use, competitive fees, and wide token support including ETH, USDC, and various stablecoins.'s solid reputation is backed by over $2 billion in cross-chain transactions and a user base exceeding one million, showcasing its reliability in digital asset transfers.

Here are the steps to bridge to Polygon zkEVM using a trusted protocol like

  1. Connect Your Wallet: Visit and connect your MetaMask or other Web3 wallet.
  2. Select Network and Token: Choose your source network (EVM-compatible) and set Polygon zkEVM as the destination. Select the token you wish to transfer.
  3. Specify Amount and Approve: Enter the amount to bridge and click 'Approve' to confirm.
  4. Finalize the Transfer: Follow the wallet prompts to complete the transfer, ensuring a smooth asset migration to Polygon zkEVM.
Bridge to Polygon zkEVM

What are the Fees?

When bridging assets to Polygon zkEVM via, a transaction fee of 0.19% is applied. Additionally, gas fees, which depend on network congestion, must be considered. These fees are generally low but may increase for larger transactions.

Polygon zkEVM's network efficiency, using ZK proofs, significantly reduces gas fees, making transactions cost-effective. Combined with's low transaction fee, this offers a secure and economical way to transfer assets to Polygon zkEVM, providing users with a valuable and affordable experience.

What is Polygon zkEVM?

Polygon zkEVM is an advanced zero-knowledge scaling solution that improves Ethereum's scalability using zkSNARKs and Polygon Zero technology. It integrates seamlessly with existing smart contracts, tools, and wallets, providing lower costs and higher throughput. Engineered for both efficiency and security, it enhances access to Ethereum, supports a variety of dApps, and ensures the security of transactions and user funds, thus bolstering the Ethereum ecosystem.

What is Polygon zkEVM

Bottom Line

Bridging assets to Polygon zkEVM is efficient and cost-effective using specialized cross-chain bridges like With its user-friendly interface, competitive fees, and extensive token support, provides a reliable solution for digital asset transfers. Polygon zkEVM’s use of zkSNARKs and Polygon Zero technology ensures high throughput and secure transactions, significantly enhancing Ethereum's scalability.