How to Bridge to Dymension

Summary: Users can bridge assets to Dymension using cross-chain bridges like IBC.Fun, which supports secure and easy transfers from Ethereum, Layer 2 networks, and other blockchains.

By leveraging Cosmos-SDK compatibility, Dymension offers a cost-effective and efficient way to integrate various cryptocurrencies into its innovative ecosystem.

Best Dymension Bridge
4.9 out of 5.0 by Datawallet

IBC.Fun stands out as the best bridge for Dymension due to its efficient, user-friendly platform that ensures secure and compatible asset transfers with popular wallets like MetaMask and Keplr.

Supported Chains

Dymension, Osmosis, Ethereum and all Cosmos chains.

Supported Tokens

DYM, ATOM USDT, ETH, wstETH, USDC and more.


No fees (excluding variable network gas fees).

Can I Bridge to Dymension?

Yes, you can bridge assets to Dymension using cross-chain bridges designed for Cosmos-SDK chains. Although Dymension does not offer direct bridging, its compatibility with Cosmos-SDK allows you to transfer a range of assets from Ethereum, Layer 2 networks, and other blockchains using these bridges

How to Bridge to Dymension

To bridge assets to Dymension, use IBC.Fun powered by This platform enables secure and easy transfers between Dymension, Ethereum, and Cosmos SDK chains. It supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Here’s a simple guide to using IBC.Fun for bridging assets to Dymension:

  1. Visit IBC.Fun: Access the IBC.Fun website and connect your Web3-compatible wallet, such as MetaMask.
  2. Select Asset: Choose the cryptocurrency you wish to send to Dymension.
  3. Enter Amount: Specify the amount you want to bridge and click the 'Bridge' button. Start with a small amount to test the process.
  4. Complete Transaction: Follow your wallet's instructions to finalize the transaction, ensuring the bridge works smoothly.

What are the Fees?

When bridging assets to Dymension, the primary cost is the network gas fee from the originating blockchain. These fees fluctuate based on network demand. Platforms like IBC.Fun do not add extra charges for the bridging service, keeping the process cost-effective and secure. Fees depend on the activity levels and congestion of the originating network.

For an accurate estimate of the bridging costs, check the latest gas prices on the blockchain you are using. This will help you plan your asset transfer while managing expenses effectively.

About Dymension

Dymension is an innovative blockchain platform that leverages modular RollApps and a unique ecosystem driven by the Dymension Hub to enable a wide range of applications, including gaming, DeFi, and NFTs. Built on the Cosmos SDK and featuring Data Availability Networks for enhanced data management, Dymension offers a developer-friendly environment with its RollApp Development Kit.


Bottom Line

Bridging assets to Dymension is straightforward and cost-effective using cross-chain bridges designed for Cosmos-SDK chains, such as IBC.Fun. By following a few simple steps, you can securely transfer assets from Ethereum, Layer 2 networks, and other blockchains. Always check the latest gas fees to manage your expenses effectively. With Dymension's innovative ecosystem, you can seamlessly integrate and leverage its robust features for a wide range of applications.