Gnosis Safe Explained

Summary: Gnosis Safe, now known as Safe, is a leading decentralized protocol securing over $100 billion in assets within the Ethereum ecosystem. It features customizable Smart Accounts, the Safe{Core} account abstraction stack, and ERC-4337 compatibility, enhancing security and flexibility.

The Safe Wallet seamlessly integrates with DeFi and Web3, supporting multi-signature transactions and adaptable ownership. Safe's robust tokenomics and broad adoption highlight its significant impact and trust in the crypto community.

Safe (Formerly Gnosis Safe)
5.0 out of 5.0 by Datawallet

Gnosis Safe, now known as Safe, is a top-tier decentralized asset management and custody protocol on the Ethereum Virtual Machine, revolutionizing digital asset ownership with its secure, user-centric system and advanced smart contract accounts.

Supported Chains

Ethereum, Arbitrum, Avalanche + 9 more

Assets Under Custody

$39 Billion secured by Safe

Safe Accounts

1.5 million Safe accounts deployed

What is Gnosis Safe?

Safe, previously Gnosis Safe, is a leading decentralized protocol designed to manage and protect assets within the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) ecosystem. Since its inception in 2018, Safe has successfully managed billions of dollars in assets and operates on over 15 EVM-compatible blockchains.

A standout feature of Safe is the Smart Account, also known as a Smart Contract Account. Unlike traditional accounts, Smart Accounts allow users to set specific rules, such as requiring multiple signatures for transactions or setting spending limits. This flexibility in key management and transaction payments represents a significant advancement over traditional password or private key-based account models, offering a more secure and customizable approach.

Safe has processed over 4 million transactions and currently secures more than $100 billion in digital assets, reflecting its substantial impact and the trust it has earned within the crypto community.

What is Gnosis Safe?

How Does Gnosis Safe Work?

Safe leverages smart contracts to enhance the security and flexibility of managing digital assets. Here’s a breakdown of how it functions:

Here's a simple overview of Gnosis Safe's functionality:

  • Smart Accounts: Allow users to set rules like multi-signature requirements and spending limits, providing better security and eliminating the need for cumbersome seed phrases.
  • Safe{Core}: An open-source, modular account abstraction stack that simplifies integration of Safe Smart Accounts into any platform. It’s thoroughly audited and trusted by major players in the crypto space.
  • ERC-4337 Compatibility: Introduces UserOperations for sending transactions on behalf of users without changing the consensus-layer protocol. Bundles multiple UserOperations into a single transaction, reducing costs and allowing gas fees to be paid with ERC-20 tokens or covered by third parties.
  • Safe4337Module: Acts as both a Fallback Handler and a Safe Module, enabling ERC-4337 functionality. Validates UserOperations signed by Safe owners and securely executes transactions specified in UserOperations.

In essence, Gnosis Safe leverages blockchain technology to create a secure, user-friendly platform for managing digital assets on Ethereum and EVM-compatible blockchains.

How Does Gnosis Safe Work?

What is the Safe Wallet?

The Safe Wallet is a web3-friendly application that connects users to the DeFi and Web3 ecosystem. It provides seamless interaction with various protocols and promotes decentralized co-ownership. As a multi-signature platform, it requires multiple private keys for transaction validation, enhancing asset security and allowing shared asset management.

With the flexibility to modify account ownership, the Safe Wallet adapts to the evolving needs of a decentralized economy. Accessible on both web and mobile platforms, it simplifies Web3 interactions while ensuring users maintain full control over their digital assets.

What is the Safe Wallet App?

SAFE Airdrop and Tokenomics

Safe recently distributed SAFE tokens to approximately 43,000 participants, marking a significant step toward establishing SafeDAO. These tokens grant holders voting rights in SafeDAO's governance. An effective anti-Sybil mechanism successfully blocked nearly 2.9 million tokens from fraudulent claims.

The tokenomics of SAFE are carefully structured. The distribution is as follows: 5% each to users, ecosystem contributors, and the joint treasury; 7% to the Safe Foundation; 8% to strategic partners from the 2022 funding round; 15% each to core contributors and GnosisDAO, the founding entity; and 40% to SafeDAO.

With a total supply of 1 billion SAFE tokens, full vesting is expected by 2030. This distribution strategy underscores Safe’s commitment to fair participation and reward within its ecosystem.

SAFE Tokenomics

Gnosis Safe Account Abstraction

Gnosis Safe Account Abstraction is built around the Safe{Core} Account Abstraction SDK, a comprehensive, open-source toolkit for developers. This SDK enables seamless integration of account abstraction features into applications, offering four key components: Protocol Kit, Auth Kit, Relay Kit, and Onramp Kit.

  • Protocol Kit: Allows for the creation and customization of secure, audited smart contract accounts. It supports batching multiple transactions for efficiency.
  • Auth Kit: Simplifies user onboarding through Web3Auth, offering social media or email logins and the ability to start without a wallet.
  • Relay Kit: Facilitates gas-less transactions using Gelato, enables transaction fee sponsorship, and allows gas fee payments in ERC-20 tokens.
  • Onramp Kit: Provides easy fiat on-ramping via Stripe, supporting crypto purchases with a credit card.

These components collectively enhance the functionality and user experience of applications built on Gnosis Safe.

Bottom Line

Safe is a robust decentralized protocol for managing digital assets within the Ethereum ecosystem. Its innovative features like Smart Accounts, Safe{Core}, and ERC-4337 compatibility offer enhanced security and flexibility. The Safe Wallet connects users seamlessly to DeFi and Web3, supporting multi-signature transactions and adaptable ownership.