Frax Finance Explained

Summary: Frax Finance, a pioneering DeFi protocol, introduces a trio of stablecoins (FRAX, FPI, frxETH) alongside yield-generating staking derivatives. Designed for liquidity provision, yield earning, and DeFi staking, it leverages cutting-edge subprotocols and governance tokens (FXS, FPIS) for robust price stability and participatory governance.

As a key figure in the cryptocurrency domain, Frax Finance has successfully secured over $1 billion in total value locked, attributed to the visionary leadership of founder Sam Kazemian.

Frax Finance Overview
4.5 out of 5.0 by Datawallet

Frax Finance is a DeFi protocol that offers three stablecoins (FRAX, FPI, frxETH), utilizes innovative subprotocols for financial operations, and is governed by two tokens (FXS, FPIS).

Core Products

Fraxswap, Fraxlend, frxETH, Fraxferry and more.

Supported Networks

Ethereum, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Polygon and more.


Certik, Trail of Bits and Code4rena.

What is Frax Finance?

Frax Finance stands out in the decentralized finance sector by issuing three distinct stablecoins: FRAX, which is pegged to the US dollar; FPI, linked to a basket of consumer goods for a novel unit of account; and frxETH, tied to Ethereum for smart contract integration. These stablecoins aim to offer stability and diversity in financial transactions, responding to the need for reliable digital assets in a fluctuating cryptocurrency environment.

The ecosystem is reinforced by subprotocols that extend its functionality: Fraxlend facilitates lending and borrowing within the Frax ecosystem; Fraxswap, an Automated Market Maker, ensures liquidity and enables efficient trading; and Fraxferry allows for the movement of tokens across blockchains, broadening the protocol's usability and access.

FRAX v3 represents the protocol's evolution towards full collateralization and a steadfast USD peg, employing smart contracts and governance for a robust and secure stablecoin offering. This iteration underscores Frax Finance's commitment to providing a secure, versatile financial infrastructure that addresses the inherent challenges of the cryptocurrency market.

Frax Finance

How Does Frax Finance Work?

Frax Finance stabilizes its FRAX stablecoin using a hybrid model that mixes collateral assets with algorithmic techniques. This system dynamically adjusts the collateralization ratio based on market conditions to ensure FRAX's value remains pegged to the US dollar. The protocol incorporates specialized subprotocols:

  • Fraxlend: A lending platform for creating and managing loans within the Frax ecosystem.
  • Fraxswap: An Automated Market Maker (AMM) that enhances liquidity and supports trading activities.
  • Fraxferry: Facilitates the transfer of Frax tokens across different blockchain networks, promoting wider usability and interoperability.

Governance by FRAX stakeholders guides protocol adjustments and strategic decisions, ensuring the system remains responsive to the evolving financial landscape. This structure allows Frax to maintain stability and scalability, serving as a cornerstone for decentralized finance by balancing traditional financial mechanisms with innovative DeFi solutions.

What is FRAX?

FRAX is a stablecoin launched by Frax Finance, a decentralized finance protocol. Pegged to the United States dollar (USD), FRAX is designed to maintain a 1:1 value ratio, aiming for $1 FRAX per $1 USD.

The protocol employs a combination of on-chain assets and algorithmic mechanisms to ensure this peg. Should FRAX's price deviate from $1, the system adjusts by manipulating the collateral ratio, working to bring the value back to parity. As such, FRAX offers the benefits of cryptocurrencies, like decentralization and transparency, while mitigating high price volatility making it a safe stablecoin to earn yields in DeFi.

What is frxETH?

In the Frax Finance ecosystem, Ethereum (ETH) exists as liquid staking derivative under the names frxETH and sfrxETH. frxETH, a stablecoin, is designed to mirror the value of ETH on a 1:1 basis, maintained within a target range of 0.9900 to 1.01 ETH per 1 frxETH. It's minted in equal amounts whenever ETH is contributed to the system.

Meanwhile, sfrxETH is a yield-earning variant of frxETH. Users can convert their frxETH into sfrxETH to gain staking rewards. As these rewards are accrued, additional frxETH is minted and added to a vault. Hence, sfrxETH holders own a share of an ever-growing frxETH pool, mirroring systems like Aave's aUSDC or Compound's cUSDC.


What can I do with frxETH and FRAX?

frxETH and FRAX, tokens from the Frax Finance ecosystem, have important roles in decentralized finance (DeFi). On platforms like Convex Finance and Curve Finance, you can deposit these tokens as collateral to earn yield. 

You can also provide liquidity with these stablecoins in various pools, earning transaction fees in return. Additionally, staking and yield farming opportunities exist, letting you lock tokens for rewards. These tokens thus offer a mix of stability and income-generation within DeFi.

What is Frax Shares (FXS)?

Frax Shares (FXS) is the governing and utility token of Frax Finance, a cornerstone of the ecosystem. It allows holders to vote on key parameters and its supply is deflationary with growing FRAX demand. FXS can be locked into veFXS, unlocking additional privileges. With a market capitalization of $500 million, FXS stands within the top 100 crypto assets globally.

veFXS Locking

Frax Shares (FXS) Tokenomics

Frax Shares (FXS) tokenomics can be summarized as follows:

  • Total Supply: 100,000,000 FXS.
  • Community Allocation: 65%, with 60% for yield farming and liquidity programs (halving every December 20th), and 5% for the project treasury covering development, audits, and partnerships.
  • Team and Investors Allocation: 35%, distributed as Team / Founders / Early Project Members: 20% (12-month vesting, 6-month cliff). Strategic Advisors / Outside Early Contributors: 3% (36-month vesting). Accredited Private Investors: 12% (Various vesting conditions).

This setup ensures long-term, community-led growth and incentivizes early and strategic contributors.

Who Founded Frax Finance?

Frax Finance was brought to life by its visionary founder, Sam Kazemian (@samkazemian). An Iranian-American software engineer by profession, Sam also co-founded Everipedia, showcasing his adeptness in the digital space. An alumnus of the University of California, Sam is one of the few influential leaders in the digital asset realm operating out of the United States, skillfully navigating the country's stringent regulatory landscape. His innovative thinking and commitment to the sector underscore his integral role in the success and growth of Frax Finance.

Bottom Line

Frax Finance marks a notable advancement in decentralized finance, introducing stablecoins such as FRAX, underpinned by a blend of algorithmic and collateral-based stability mechanisms, and bolstered by functional subprotocols like Fraxlend, Fraxswap, and Fraxferry. This innovative approach ensures a stable, scalable, and user-focused financial ecosystem, addressing the volatility of digital currencies and expanding access to decentralized financial services, thereby paving the way for a more inclusive and accessible financial landscape.