How to Add Linea to MetaMask

Summary: Integrating Linea with MetaMask is simple using ChainList, a reliable source for verified network configurations.

Start by linking your MetaMask wallet to ChainList. Then, search for Linea and click 'Connect Wallet.' This method ensures your wallet is configured with Linea's details, enabling seamless interaction with its advanced zkEVM Layer 2 network.

5.0 out of 5.0 by Datawallet

Chainlist is an aggregator of Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) networks. It allows users to connect their MetaMask wallets to the specific Chain and Network ID, ensuring a safe connection to the correct blockchain.

Supported Networks

100+ Layer 1 and Layer 2 chains.

Development Team

Built by the Defillama team.

Compatible Wallets

MetaMask only.

Can I Add Linea to MetaMask?

Yes, you can add Linea to MetaMask. Integrating Linea unlocks its Layer 2 features, including zkEVM rollup technology, which enhances Ethereum's scalability and efficiency. This allows for quick, low-cost transactions. Gather essential details like Network Name and Chain ID to get started.

How to Add Linea to MetaMask

Incorporating Linea into your MetaMask wallet is simple and crucial for smooth on-chain activities. Ensure you enter the RPC details and Network ID correctly. For an efficient setup, use ChainList, a user-friendly platform for connecting EVM-compatible networks.

Follow these steps to add Linea to MetaMask:

  1. Visit ChainList: Go to the ChainList website and link your MetaMask wallet.
  2. Search for Linea: Use the search bar to find ‘Linea Mainnet’.
  3. Click to Add: Select 'Add to MetaMask' next to Linea in the results.
  4. Finalize Setup: Complete the process by following MetaMask’s prompts.

Linea RPC Details

To integrate Linea into MetaMask securely and efficiently, ensure you enter the correct RPC details. Always refer to the official documentation for the most accurate information. Here are the essential RPC settings for Linea:

  • Network Name: Linea
  • Network URL:
  • Chain ID: 59144
  • Currency Symbol: ETH
  • Block Explorer URL:

Accurately configuring these settings in MetaMask is crucial for a stable connection to the Linea network, allowing you to leverage all its features.

About Linea

Linea is a cutting-edge Layer 2 solution, developed as an advanced version of ConsenSys zkEVM, tailored for Ethereum's next-gen dapps. Its global testnet is designed for seamless integration with tools like MetaMask and Truffle, making it highly developer-friendly. Leveraging zero-knowledge proofs and complete EVM compatibility, Linea enhances scalable and efficient dapp development.

Bottom Line

Adding Linea to MetaMask significantly enhances Ethereum's scalability and efficiency through zkEVM rollup technology. Using ChainList simplifies this process, allowing you to quickly connect EVM-compatible networks. By following the steps provided and ensuring accurate RPC details, you can enjoy faster, cost-effective transactions and robust dapp development with Linea, making it a valuable addition to your MetaMask wallet.