DefiLlama Explained

Summary: DefiLlama is a top-tier data analytics platform in decentralized finance, serving over 10 million monthly users. It provides crucial metrics like total value locked (TVL), on-chain yields, and protocol revenue across multiple blockchains, including Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.

DefiLlama is essential for informed investment decisions, providing real-time data, protocol comparisons, and insights. Additionally, its LlamaSwap feature excels as a best-in-class DEX aggregator, optimizing trading conditions across various platforms.

DefiLlama Overview
5.0 out of 5.0 by Datawallet

DefiLlama is a leading data analytics platform in the decentralized finance space, aggregating crucial metrics such as total value locked across multiple blockchains to help investors make informed decisions.


0xNgmi, Charlie and Ben

Key Features

DeFi Analytics, TVL Analytics, LlamaSwap and more


10 Million Monthly Daily Active Users (DAUs)

What is DefiLlama?

DefiLlama is a premier data analytics platform within the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, serving over 10 million monthly users. It consolidates key metrics such as total value locked (TVL) across various blockchains, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Solana. DefiLlama is widely recognized as the top resource for tracking TVL, on-chain yields, airdrop opportunities, top liquid staking derivatives, and protocol revenue.

In the fast-moving DeFi landscape, DefiLlama is essential due to its reliable, real-time data presented in clear charts and tables. This functionality aids investors and enthusiasts in making informed decisions, streamlining the complexities of DeFi.

Beyond offering a snapshot of market conditions, DefiLlama facilitates detailed protocol comparisons and cross-chain analytics, making it an invaluable tool for evaluating the health and risks of various DeFi projects.


DefiLlama Features

DefiLlama is the top platform for accurate and transparent data in decentralized finance (DeFi). As the largest aggregator of Total Value Locked (TVL), its data is open-source, managed by a dedicated team, and supported by contributions from numerous protocols.

Key Features:

  • Extensive Blockchain Coverage: Tracks over 225 layer 1 and layer 2 blockchains, including Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain, providing comprehensive performance evaluation across multiple networks.
  • Comprehensive TVL Analytics: Covers data on over 3,000 DeFi applications, enabling users to assess TVL and discover promising investment opportunities.
  • Yield Comparison for Popular Tokens: Facilitates yield farming by offering yield data for tokens like STETH, USDC, WETH, and WBTC, helping users evaluate risks and rewards.
  • Token Unlock Alerts: Monitors upcoming token unlocks, assisting users in timing investments and avoiding market volatility.
  • Hacks and Exploits Database: Maintains a history of hacks and exploits, enhancing risk assessment and investment safety.
  • Ethereum Liquid Staking Options: Provides insights into top Ethereum-based liquid staking protocols and yields on LSD derivatives.

These features make DefiLlama an indispensable tool for anyone navigating the DeFi landscape, offering crucial insights and data to make informed investment decisions.

DefiLlama Yields

What is LlamaSwap?

LlamaSwap, a feature of DefiLlama, is designed to enhance your trading experience in the DeFi ecosystem. Currently in beta, it acts as an aggregator of DEX aggregators, analyzing multiple decentralized exchange platforms like 1inch, Cowswap, and Matcha to secure the best trading conditions.

LlamaSwap provides the best available rates by querying prices from various DEX aggregators. There are no additional fees, but DefiLlama inserts a referral code to share in the fee revenue from the chosen aggregator, with no extra cost to the user.

LlamaSwap ensures optimal trade execution, charging no additional fees. It prioritizes user privacy by potentially hiding your IP and offers gas cost estimates for trades, which may be slightly higher in MetaMask to prevent out-of-gas errors. Leveraging the router contracts of queried DEX aggregators, LlamaSwap matches their security levels, ensuring a safe trading environment.

DefiLlama Founders

DefiLlama, a leading decentralized finance data provider, is a flagship project of Llama Corp, a collective dedicated to fostering a decentralized future. The platform is co-founded by 0xngmi, who spearheads DefiLlama, and Charlie, who also contributes to other Llama Corp initiatives such as LlamaFolio and LlamaNodes.

Llama Corp's mission extends beyond DefiLlama, offering an array of services including LlamaNodes for secure blockchain access, DLNews for comprehensive crypto reporting, and the forthcoming LlamaFolio for transparent wallet analytics. Co-founder Ben plays a significant role in these additional projects, furthering the collective's diversified strategy.

DefiLlama Alternatives

While DefiLlama excels with its comprehensive data and outstanding user experience, several other platforms also offer valuable decentralized finance (DeFi) analytics:

  • DeFi Prime: Focuses on DeFi analytics and digital media, primarily on the Ethereum chain.
  • APY Vision: Specializes in tracking liquidity pool gains and impermanent loss, supporting multiple chains including Ethereum and Solana.
  • Dune Analytics: Provides in-depth analytics for the multi-chain blockchain ecosystem.
  • Nansen: Offers insights into crypto and NFT trends, supporting Avalanche, Ethereum, and Polygon chains.
  • DEXTools: Serves as a decentralized exchange data and analysis platform, supporting Ethereum and other chains like Polygon and Solana.

Each platform brings unique features and supports various chains, but none offer the all-encompassing user experience that DefiLlama provides.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, DefiLlama stands out as an indispensable resource in the DeFi space, providing real-time, reliable data across multiple blockchains. With its comprehensive features, including TVL analytics, yield comparisons, and security insights, it empowers users to make informed investment decisions. While there are other platforms offering DeFi analytics, DefiLlama’s depth, accuracy, and user-friendly interface make it the top choice for both newcomers and seasoned investors.